Getting Started

Thank You for purchasing my theme. If You have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to submit ticket to Thanks so much!

Why Shopify?

Shopify provides You with a variety of tools to help You set up and run Your business. Depending on the plan that You choose, You can find everything You need to showcase Your products online, to process payments, and to make Your store work for You. Shopify offers:

  • Free and paid themes from the Shopify Theme Store to make Your store stand out and look great
  • Free and paid apps from the Shopify App Store to expand on the existing functionality of Your store
  • Shopify's own payment gateway to accept credit card payments
  • Growth opportunities with Shopify's various sales channels as well an enterprise plan for merchants who are selling in high volume and might be feeling the effects of accumulating transaction fees
  • A Shopify blog that has guides and articles about running Your store and connecting with Your customers
  • Experts all around the world that can help You set up, design, and market Your store

Usefull manuals

How do I install Shopify?

Shopify is web based ecommerce software. This means there’s no installation required and it works with all operating systems (including Windows and MacOS)! Shopify hosts site itself so You don’t have to worry about installing, upgrading or maintaining any software or web servers. Go here to install shopify

Seiko Installation & Update

1st be sure that You've installed shopify
2nd You need have latest seiko package from themeforest

Theme Install

1.Login to Your shopify store. Go to Online Stores -> Themes.

2.Click Upload Theme

3.Browse local seiko theme zip package and upload

4.Click Publish theme.

5.Congratulations! You have installed theme successfully! You can check it on frontend of Your site.

Create Contact Us page

1.Login to Your shopify store. Go to Online Stores -> Pages.


2.Click Add page

3.Choose template, write Page Title Contact Us and click save

Click Save

Now that you have created your Contact page, you can add your Contact page to your main navigation menu.

Product reviews app

Shopify has no product stars, reviews tab by default:

That is why You have to install special FREE reviews app Product Reviews

Currency Setup

In this section of Your Shopify admin, You can choose which currency Your store uses (for example: USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, JPY):

1.From Your Shopify admin, click Settings (or press G S):

2.In the Standards and formats section, use the drop-down menu under Currency to select a new monetary unit:

3.Click Change formatting and You will see next

4.Change first to inputs to:

                    //copy lines from here
                    ${{amount}} USD


Set Your customer account preferences

You can make customer accounts required or optional, or disable them altogether. Keep in mind that requiring customers to create accounts might decrease sales conversions.

To edit Your customer account settings:

  1. From Your Shopify admin, click Settings, then click Checkout.
  2. In the Customer accounts section, choose a customer account option:
    • Accounts are disabled.
      Customers won't see the option to create an account or to login. They'll have to manually enter their details at checkout, because fields won't be pre-filled.
    • Accounts are optional - Choose this.
      Customers can choose to create an account but it's not mandatory for checkout. If customers do have an account and they're logged in, their address fields are pre-filled when they place an order.
    • Accounts are required.
      Customers must have an account and be logged in to place an order. This setting is useful if You're running a wholesale or members-only store, for example. Address fields are pre-filled when the customer places an order.
  3. Click Save changes to confirm Your change to customer account settings.

Theme Update

Variant 1 - reupload theme. This method not saves Your own files custom changes:
1.Upload latest theme package as described in Theme Install
Variant 2 - with DIFF FILE. For advanced users, which want save their custom changes.
Our theme package has svn versions - diff files. You can find them in package/versions_diff_files

In these files You will see smth like this:

Index: layout/theme.liquid
--- layout/theme.liquid	(revision 109)
+++ layout/theme.liquid	(revision 110)
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
{% include header %}
- {% unless template == 'cart' and cart.item_count == 0 %}{% include 'breadcrumb' %}{% endunless %} + {% unless template == 'cart' and cart.item_count == 0 %}{% unless template == '404' %}{% include 'breadcrumb' %}{% endunless %}{% endunless %} {{content_for_layout}}
- {% unless template == 'cart' and cart.item_count == 0 %} + {% unless template == 'cart' and cart.item_count == 0 %}{% unless template == '404' %} {% include footer %} - {% endunless %} + {% endunless %}{% endunless %}

This means that was changed file layout/theme.liquid

You need go to Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes and click Edit HTML/CSS

Click on file layout/theme.liquid in left sidebar

Goto diff file again:

- {% unless template == 'cart' and  cart.item_count == 0 %}{% include 'breadcrumb' %}{% endunless %}
+ {% unless template == 'cart' and  cart.item_count == 0 %}{% unless template == '404' %}{% include 'breadcrumb' %}{% endunless %}{% endunless %}

..means that You need replace first string with second.
- remove string
+ add string

Theme Customization

There 2 ways customize theme:

  1. Change theme settings

    Goto Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes -> Customize Theme

    You will see a lot of theme settings You can change.

  2. Change theme files

    You need go to Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes and click Edit code

How add custom css?

Complicated customization of the theme requires style changes in css. The theme has main assets/style.css file. You can directly add own changes in that file, but it is a bad way for updates. It will be much easier in the future to simply replace an old style.css with a new updated style.css

That is why we have already created assets/custom.css file (write changes there)

Seiko Home Pages

Seiko theme has pre-defined home pages:

Important! Our demo has all home pages in one store at the same time. Downloaded theme can have one home page. There is no ability to assign other home pages as simple pages like those we have made in demo. But we can discuss this feature at

Making Home page - Wide

Despite the fact that this home page is configured by default after installation we still describe how to revert it again.

Seiko is based on the latest sections mechanism. That is why you can build any view incredibly easily.

Steps to set up the Home Page Wide:

  1. Go to Theme Settings / Sections

  2. Click Header and choose Header 1

  3. Add Section

    ->Select Slideshow #3

  4. Add Section
    ->Select Welcome To #14

  5. Add Section
    ->Select Grid with Tabs Filter #6

  6. Add Section
    ->Select Banners From Online Editor #2
    ->We have chosen grid with columns 50/50 with banner 7 and banner 8

  7. Add Section
    ->Select Blog & Products #9

  8. Add Section
    ->Select Instagram feed #8

  9. Click Footer and choose Footer 4
  10. Click Save,
    ->then set up your section settings
    (assign collections, products, headings, etc).

Making Home page - Classic

Seiko is based on the latest sections mechanism. That is why you can build any view incredibly easily.

Steps to set up the Home Page Classic:

  1. Go to Theme Settings / Sections

  2. Click Header and choose Header 2

  3. Add Section

    ->Select Banners Carousel #1

  4. Add Section
    ->Select Welcome To #14

  5. Add Section
    ->Select Banners From Online Editor #2
    ->We have chosen grid with columns 100% with banner 2

  6. Add Section
    ->Select Products-Info-Brands #2

  7. Add Section
    ->Select Blog & Products #9

  8. Click Footer and choose Footer 4
  9. Click Save,
    ->then set up your section settings
    (assign collections, products, headings, etc).

Making Home page - Journal

Steps to set up the Home Page Journal:

  1. Go to Theme Settings / General / Pre-defined Home Page / Choose Journal

  2. Click Save,
    ->then set up your journal in Theme Settings / Home Page - Journal
    (assign collections, products).

Making Home page - Banners

Seiko is based on the latest sections mechanism. That is why you can build any view incredibly easily.

Steps to set up the Home Page Banners:

  1. Go to Theme Settings / Sections

  2. Click Header and choose Header 4

  3. Add Section
    ->Select Banners From Online Editor #2
    ->We have chosen grid with columns 50/50 with banners 3/4,5

  4. Add Section
    ->Select Banners From Online Editor #2
    ->We have chosen grid with columns 100 with banner 6

  5. Add Section
    ->Select Grid of Products #5

  6. Add Section
    ->Select Banners From Online Editor #2
    ->We have chosen grid with columns 50/50 with banner 7 and banner 8

  7. Add Section
    ->Select Blog & Products #9

  8. Click Footer and choose Footer 4
  9. Click Save,
    ->then set up your section settings
    (assign collections, products, headings, etc).

Making Home page - Fullscreen Slider

Despite the fact that this home page is configured by default after installation we still describe how to revert it again.

Seiko is based on the latest sections mechanism. That is why you can build any view incredibly easily.

Steps to set up the Home Page Fullscreen Slider:

  1. Go to Theme Settings / Sections

  2. Click Header and choose Header 5

  3. Add Section

    ->Select Slideshow #3

    ->Select option Section height - Fullheight

  4. Add Section
    ->Select Grid of the collections #7

  5. Add Section
    ->Select Grid of products #5

  6. Add Section
    ->Select Banners From Online Editor #2
    ->We have chosen grid with columns 50/50 with banner 7 and banner 8

  7. Add Section
    ->Select Brands Grid #10

  8. Click Footer and choose Footer 3
  9. Click Save,
    ->then set up your section settings
    (assign collections, products, headings, etc).

Making Home page - Amason

Despite the fact that this home page is configured by default after installation we still describe how to revert it again.

Seiko is based on the latest sections mechanism. That is why you can build any view incredibly easily.

Steps to set up the Home Page Amason:

  1. Go to Theme Settings / Sections

  2. Click Header and choose Header 6

  3. Add Section
    ->Select Grid with Tabs Filter #6

  4. Add Section

    ->Select Banners Carousel #1

  5. Add Section
    ->Select Testimonials #13

  6. Add Section
    ->Select Blog & Products #9

  7. Click Footer and choose Footer 4
  8. Click Save,
    ->then set up your section settings
    (assign collections, products, headings, etc).

Making Home page - Lookbook

Despite the fact that this home page is configured by default after installation we still describe how to revert it again.

Seiko is based on the latest sections mechanism. That is why you can build any view incredibly easily.

Steps to set up the Home Page Lookbook:

  1. Go to Theme Settings / Sections

  2. Click Header and choose Header 6

  3. Add Section
    ->Select Lookbook #11

  4. Add Section
    ->Select Banners From Online Editor #2
    ->We have chosen grid with columns 25/25/25/25 with banners 11/12/(13+14)/(15+16)

  5. Add Section
    ->Select Lookbook #11

  6. Click Footer and choose Footer 4
  7. Click Save,
    ->then set up your section settings
    (assign collections, products, headings, etc).

Setup Navigation

Some of the main features of Seiko theme are the Header/Mobile Navigations.

You can use our sections constructor for creating an exclusive style with columns or simple dropdowns, previews etc OR simply for assigning navigation that you have created before. We enable you to choose the megamenu constructor or using default shopify navigation (for example if you want to use simple dropdowns and you have already created navigation).

1. Default Shopify navigation usage

It is useful if you want to have a classic style with simple unlimited dropdowns and you don't want to re-write an old navigation just for the theme again. You can find the info on how to build the simple navigation with Shopify tools in the official source at

After having created the navigation successfully, you have to assign it in the header section

2. Megamenu usage based on the sections.

1. Select None in the default navigation.

2. You need to click in Header at the bottom 'Add content'

3. Choose simple dropdown or column. Columns allow you to add the left/right/top/bottom html content, banners from our banners generator and assign navigation columns (one classic navigation equals to one column in the dropdown)

Interface for Simple 1st level item

the label is above the item
pre-defined colors for labels

Interface for Columns 1st level item

Rare feature. You can make your dropdown either fullwidth(if header is fullwidth) or boxed
label above the item
pre-defined colors for labels
3 / 4 / 5 / 6
[optional] column preview
(all previews for current
dropdown must have the same
width/height for better view)
the same options for all 15 columns in current columns dropdown
[optional] This zone is on the left side from the columns.
We advise to use our interactive banners editor to create the banner code and past it here.
20% / 25% / 30% / 40%
[optional] This zone is on the right side from the columns.
We advise to use our interactive banners editor to create the code and past it here.
20% / 25% / 30% / 40%
[optional] This zone is at the top side from the columns.
[optional] This zone is at the bottom side from the columns.

Set Navigation Labels

You can see labels in each navigation (header, mobile) in our demo

There are two ways to setup labels for the 1st level of navigation. It depends on the type of navigation you have chosen.

If you have created the header navigation with sections then each section has such label option for the 1st level. You can read how to set up navigation here

All the other labels for the 1st level (if you have chosen default shopify navigation) or for the 2nd and higher level (for default and for megamenu navigation) you have to set up as following:

Go to Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes -> Customize Theme -> Sections -> Header -> Labels for navigation items


Seiko theme has two product view designs Classic (by default) and Creative.



Creative design works only if product has 3 or more images, otherwise will be enabled Classic design automatically.

Q:How enable Creative design?

A:1.Goto Shopify admin -> Products -> Products

2.Choose any product and Click. After you will see next field called Template in product admin page

3.Select product.creative and click Save

Setup your product view with General Product Options:

Goto Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes -> Customize Theme -> Product page

Available options for product are:

  • Product Image size - type selectbox. Available values: small / medium(default) / medium+ / large
  • Prev Next products - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Show rating stars - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Show availability - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Show related products - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Show short description - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Show right description - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Right description - type textarea.
    Default code:
                                //copy lines from here if you want revert code in texarea
    Special offer: 1+2=4
    Get a gift!
    Free Reward Card
    Worth $10, $50, $100
    Order return
    Returns within 5 days
  • Product ajax add to cart - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Show options - type selectbox. Available values: as selectboxes / as swatches(default)

  • Product tab Description - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Product tab Description title - type text. Default Description
  • Product tab 2 - type checkbox. Default unchecked
  • Product tab 2 title - type text. Default empty
  • Product tab content from page - type selectbox . Available values: all Pages from Shopify admin

    For example, you want create tab Sizing Guide:

    1. Check Product tab 2
    2. Create Page Sizing Guide in Shopify admin -> Online Store -> Pages -> Add Page
    3. Set Title - Sizing Guide
    4. Paste Html to content area.
          //copy html from here

      Single Size Conversion

      • 18
      • 20
      • 22
      • 24
      • 26
      • 46
      • 48
      • 50
      • 52
      • 54
      • 14
      • 16
      • 18
      • 20
      • 22
      • 8
      • 10
      • 12
      • 14
      • 16
    5. Click Save
    6. Go back to Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes -> Customize Theme -> Product page
    7. In Product tab content from page select recently created page Sizing Guide

  • Product tab 3 - type checkbox. Default unchecked
  • Product tab 3 title - type text. Default empty
  • Product tab content from page - type selectbox . Available values: all Pages from Shopify admin

    You can create your own tab title with content as described for Product tab 2 above

  • Product tab tags - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Product tab tags title - type text. Default Assigned tags
  • Product tab reviews - type checkbox. Default checked Important! Reviews will work only if you installed reviews app. Read more here
  • Product tab reviews title - type text. Default Reviews

Product Countdown

Steps to turn on the countdown of the product:

  1. If you haven't installed an extention to work with shopify metafield yet then install chrome extention to work with
  2. Open any product in the admin panel
  3. Click on this icon in chrome

  4. Metafields block will appear

    • Fill c_f in the field 'namespace'
    • Fill countdown in the field 'key'
    • Fill 2018/11/31 in the field 'value'
  5. Click Save to block Metafields and click Save for Product in general
  6. Fill the field 'Compare at price'

    Important! If Compare Price is empty Countdown will not be shown

  7. Apply the tag sale to the product to make the tags collection filter work accurately

New/Sale Labels

How to add a new label:

1. Go to Shopify admin -> Products -> Products

2. Choose any product and Click

3.Set product tag new

4. Click Save

How to add a sale label:

1. Go to Shopify admin -> Products -> Products

2. Choose any product and Click

3. Add Compare Price

4. Click Save

Product Video

Instead of pasting shortcodes like in many other themes directly into product content, we have decided to use the native Shopify tool - metafields. One of the main reasons was to separate bonus features from the product content area. Users often complain that there are strange shortcodes in the content of their products. Therefore, google rich snippets receive bad product content.

Steps to turn on the video of the product:

  1. If you haven't installed an extention to work with shopify metafield yet then install chrome extention to work with
  2. Open any product in the admin panel
  3. Click on this icon in chrome

  4. Metafields block will appear

    • Fill c_f in the field 'namespace'
    • Fill video in the field 'key'
    • Fill in the field 'value'
      copy youtube url directly from browser address bar
  5. Click Save to block Metafields and click Save for Product in general

Short Description

Instead of pasting shortcodes like in many other themes directly into product content, we have decided to use the native Shopify tool - metafields. One of the main reasons was to separate bonus features from the product content area. Users often complain that there are strange shortcodes in the content of their products. Therefore, google rich snippets receive bad product content.

Steps to turn on the description of the product:

  1. If you haven't installed an extention to work with shopify metafield yet then install chrome extention to work with
  2. Open any product in the admin panel
  3. Click on this icon in chrome

  4. Metafields block will appear

    • Fill c_f in the field 'namespace'
    • Fill introtext in the field 'key'
    • Fill Neque porro quisquam labore in the field 'value'
      also you can write any html/css here
  5. Click Save to block Metafields and click Save for Product in general

How create colorized product?

Product can be colorized only if it is has color option.

Instruction how to do it :

1.Goto Shopify admin -> Products -> Products

2.Choose any product and Click

3.Add product variants

3.Change Size to Color or click Add another option (Color)

4.After saving option values appears ability add images for options

5.Finish step. Add color pics for configurable swatches (product and collection page)

Important! Save image name only in downcase format 'color-yourcolorname.png' (instead spaces in yourcolorname use symbol '-')

For example You have color name in admin product option 'Dark Black', then upload color-dark-black.png

Important! Prefix color- is required! And only PNG format for color pics.


Setup your product view with General Product Options:

Goto Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes -> Customize Theme -> Collection page

Available options for collection page are:

  • Enable Sidebar - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Number of products per row - type selectbox. Available values: 2 / 3(default) / 4 / 5
  • Default Count of products per page - type selectbox. Available values: 12(default) / 18 / 36 / All
  • Grid Previews Style - type selectbox. Available values: Small(default) / Big
  • Enable collection description - type checkbox. Default checked

    This option enables/disables this description.

    There no need to know html code create such description, because we created Online Banners Editor. See video guide how we created html code for description.

    Generated description code like in demo

                                //You can copy ready generated html here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliqui.

  • Categories - type textarea. Here you can write separated by comma menu handles if you want categories filter in sidebar.

    We advice create ONE navigation handle for this.


  • Enable collection toolbar - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Default listing style - type selectbox. Available values: Grid(default) / List
  • Enable only default listing style - type checkbox. Default unchecked (there no ability change to grid or list, only default)

Sidebar Filter

  • Filter Ajax - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Filter Fixed - type checkbox. Default checked

    If checked - filter fixed and collapsed as accordion

    If unchecked - filter static and groups are opened

  • Enable Shopping by Tag - type checkbox. Default checked (show currently choosen filter)

Setup sidebar filter

In contrast to our top competitors on TF, we completely redesigned filter.

Early often was principle when you had ~ 5 filter groups of tags hardcoded to the theme : Price, Brands, Popular Tags, Sizes

And the bigest problem was that these filter groups were are same for all categories (Women, Men, Electronics

Now every category has own set Of filter groups.



Sidebar filter based on tags. Tags must be assigned for products by your own criterias.

Product has tags:Sim 1, electronics, Andriod, Acer, Above 200, 4

If you click some tag in sidebar filter module searchs all products with clicked tag.

Q:How Sidebar filter collects and distributes all tags from all products by logic groups.

A:You have to do it yourself:

Goto Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes -> Customize Theme -> Collection page

There filter groups:

1 Group Tags Filter It is Group that collects associated within the meaning of the tags

Available options for filter group:

  • Enable - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Title - type text. Title of the group

  • Tags - type textarea. Tags, separated by comma

  • Closed by default - type checkbox. Default unchecked
  • Style - type selectbox. Available values: List(default) / Sizes / Pics / Tags





    if you use Pics style you have to upload pics here Shopify admin -> Settings -> Files -> Upload Files

    Upload special format of file name color-{{tagname}}.png

    For example, You Filled tags in group: Black, yellow, Dark-blue. You need upload files color-black.png, color-dark-blue.png, color-yellow.png with 25x25 px size

    Sidebar filter has 10 different groups. Count of groups can be extended in code.


This material is taken from official sources

Your Shopify store comes with a built-in blogging engine. Blogs are great for content that you’ll be updating regularly. They’re also best if you want to encourage feedback on an article, because people can post comments on your blog posts. Choose to post on your store’s blog if you’re looking to create discussion and build a community around your products and your brand.

Add a new blog

This material is taken from official sources

Create a new blog with a custom name for all your blog posts.

To add a new blog:

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Online Store, and then click Blog Posts
  2. Click Manage blogs:

  3. Click Add a blog:

  4. Give your blog a title and select how you want to manage comments:

  5. Click Save blog.

Now that you have created your blog, you can add your blog to your main navigation menu.

Add a post to your blog

This material is taken from official sources

To add a post to your blog:

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Online Store, and then click Blog Posts
  2. Click Add blog post:

  3. On the Add blog post page, fill out the following fields:

    • Title: enter the title of the article.
    • Content: enter the content of the article.
    • Author: select your name from the drop-down menu.
    • Blog: select where you'd like to publish your post.

    You must complete at least the title field to successfully create a blog post.
  4. In the Organization section, you can add tags to your blog posts to help categorize them and make them more visible for better search engine optimization (SEO):

  5. If you want an image to appear next to your post on your store's Blogs page, click Choose image in the Featured image section:

  6. Click Save.

Blog Layouts

Seiko Blog has 4 layouts:


grid 2

grid 3

grid 4

Setup your blog view with Blog Options:

Goto Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes -> Customize Theme -> Blog

Available options for collection page are:

  • Blog Title - type text. Default Blog
  • Description - type textarea. Default We're a team of creative and make amazing site in ecommerce from Unite States. We love colour pastel, highlight and
    simple, its make our design look so awesome
  • Enable sidebar - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Blog layout - type selectbox. Available values: List (default) / 2 columns / 3 column / 4 columns
  • Enable comments - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Enable Tags - type checkbox. Default checked
  • Enable Instagram Images - type checkbox. Default checked


Shopify has no own newsletter subscribe functionality. You have to register MailChimp account and get action url for theme newsletter form.

Watch video how get newsletter action url

Setup your Newsletter:

Goto Shopify admin -> Online Stores -> Themes -> Customize Theme -> Newsletter

Available options for Newsletter are:

  • Newsletter action - type textarea.
  • Enable newsletter popup - type checkbox. Default True
  • Logo for newsletter popup - type image.
  • Title For Popup - type text. Default Newsletter
  • Description For Popup - type textarea. Default Enter Your email address to sign up to receive our latest news and offers
  • Expires days for popup cookie - type text. Default 15

Create About Us page

1.Login to Your shopify store. Go to Online Stores -> Pages.


2.Click Add page

3.Click Show Html and paste code from theme-package/documentation/demo_pages/about_us.txt

Click Save

Now that you have created your About Us page, you can add your About Us page to your main navigation menu.


This page can be created fully as described in Create About Us page

Icons Font

Seiko Theme uses simply and flexible icon library IcoMoon.

IcoMoon is striving to build and provide the best iconography and icon management tool for perfectionists.

If you want to add new icon to library follow instruction, provided below:

1. Go to IcoMoon - Free -> Click Import Icons -> Upload there is our SeikoIconsMap:

All Seiko icons will be imported!

2. Then select new icon(s)

3. Generate your custom font

4. Download new Icons Set, unzip archive and replace all font files (icomoon-reg.eot, icomoon-reg.svg, icomoon-reg.ttf, icomoon-reg.woff) in 'customize theme/assets/' folder of Seiko Theme

5.Copy content of corner file style.css in new generated font folder -> remove all content in file 'customize theme/assets/font-icomoon.css' -> paste new content here. In new content remove all words 'fonts/' and save font-icomoon.css

6. Find new icon in demo.html and use it in your html code

For example like this:

<i class="icon icon-drink"></i>
<i class="icon icon-coffee"></i>
<i class="icon icon-mug"></i>

Banners / Grid Editor

In Seiko theme You do not need to know html and css to create advanced banners and bootstrap grids.

We take care of your comfort and created online banners / grid editor.

You can use it

But before We avice you see video tutorial how use it:

Video tutorial


By default SVG logo inherits Theme color, but you can colorize it individually. Just write such attribute to svg tag as style="fill: #000000;"
Add new Item in navigation and write instead name